
Walking Well

You want to walk your dog but the dread of being pulled down or having your dog bark and lunge at other dogs makes this a not-so-fun activity? Join us for one class and let us show you some tricks that will encourage your dog to want to walk with you rather than fight you, your muscle vs his.

No Walking Well classes scheduled at this time. Please consider joining us in an Essential Obedience group class where we will practice walking nicely on leash regularly in this 7 week class.

Do either of these sound familiar: Dog is pulling at the end of the leash trying to get to wherever you may be going, while you have the leash wrapped around your wrist, pulling him back, sure that he is going to pull the leash out of your hand, run off into the street or pull you down to the ground? Or, every time you and your dog walk by another dog, either on leash or behind a fence, your dog barks and lunges and looks like the Tasmanian devil?

In this one hour class, we'll show you how to create a spot, right by your side, where your dog will want to walk. Whenever we match our muscle versus our dog's muscle, our dog will most always win- time to use a different tactic! Using treats, the word "yes!", and your feet (yup, your feet!), we'll show you the basics for motivating your dog to choose to walk nicely with you, rather than pull ahead of you.

Come walk your dog with us! Space is limited.