
Essential Obedience

Want a Cooperative Dog? Play together!

Dogs do what works! If they get attention from you when they jump, they learn to jump. If the dog (or person) they are concerned about goes away, when they bark and lunge at that dog, then they learn to continue with this behavior. If they learn that “Sit” is only required when you have a treat in your hand… you get the idea. Dogs are not stubborn, they do what works. When we understand what our dogs want, we can better show them how to get it, in a manner that makes us happy too!

This class will cover commands such as Sit, Down, Stay, Off, Up, and Come. Also included is practice walking mannerly on leash (both at the end of the leash and by your side), polite greetings of strangers and waiting for permission to exit an open door. Interact with your dog on an obstacle and lure course and play stimulus control games (in other words, teaching our dogs PATIENCE and don’t jump or grab something you want). All of these activities provide the benefit of helping your dog WANT to work with you. Teaching commands is just one part of helping your dog be cooperative. We will be most successful when our dog understands that it’s worth his while to do as we ask.

Small class size allows us to ensure that you and your dog are given plenty of attention so, no matter their level of obedience understanding, we will adjust the games and exercises in order to advance your dog and provide just enough challenge so you and your dog learn more, together.

Have no time to do "homework" in between classes? Neither do we! We'll give you ideas for adding "training" into your daily routine so that your dog's newly learned behaviors can be practiced in everyday life -- that's what we all want, afterall. 

Essential Obedience covers beginning through intermediate skills. Class fee includes a training collar, if recommended by instructor.

For dogs over the age of 4 months. 

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