The Power of YES
Training Sarah Clusman Training Sarah Clusman

The Power of YES

We all use different, though often similar, ways to tell our dog that he is a “good dog”. It makes us feel warm and loving toward our dog when he behaves in a manner that we like. And, our dog usually enjoys hearing us speak this love language with ears back, tail wags and kisses.

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What does it mean to socialize my puppy?
Puppy, Training Sarah Clusman Puppy, Training Sarah Clusman

What does it mean to socialize my puppy?

We hear it all the time -- it’s important to “socialize” your puppy. But, what exactly does that mean? We, humans, socialize with other humans at parties and gatherings and it generally means that we make small talk, network, or peacefully “hang out” together.

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