
Advanced Obedience

Are you and your dog ready to take it to the next level?

Imagine your dog holding a Down while a stranger comes up to say hello or while you walk away to pet another dog. We'll challenge you and your dog by providing a variety of distractions to help your dog behave just as well regardless where they are and what is going on around them.

This class will:
- Be fun for you too! We’ll play games such as Tic Tac Toe, Nosework and Musical Chairs with our dogs
- Go to an open field and practice recalling your dog from a distance
- Teach your dog to go to his bed or “place” and remain there until released, giving you an option to take your dog to a restaurant and remain wherever you place his bed
- Teach your dog to switch sides, walking on your right or left depending on other dogs walking by or on a narrow trail
- Give you some games to engage with your dog to strengthen their muscles, supporting them in their athleticism and as they age
- Prepare you and your dog to pass the Canine Good Citizen exam
- Support you and your dog to have leisurely walks together, as your dog walks by your side past bicyclists, children and with other dogs nearby
-Meet in a variety of locations so that you can practice with help from our Instructors advancing your dog in their training and your pride in their behavior.

This is a great class to increase your dog’s and YOUR motivation to train and play together. The class is designed to use real life situations with creativity and fun for you too — when it’s fun for us, it’s fun for our dogs!

Visit our Contact Us page and, together, we can determine if your dog is ready for this advanced class.